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49.4228206, 7.7521455

Guenter Dau , Ing.
Mechanical Process Engineering
Gottlieb Daimler Strasse
67663 Kaiserslautern
+49 631 205 256 0
+49 631 205 360 0
Über Guenter Dau

1944 born in Munich, Germany;
Study of process engineering at the Technical University, Munich;
Dr.-Ing. degree at the University of Kaiserslautern; Scientific work in the first years on several fields of environmental protection, fluid, and particle dynamics; since 1983 increased activities on the fields of bulk solids handling: experimental investigations on the flow behaviour of bulk solids in flow handling devices (silos, gravity dryers, gravity mixers), especially influenced by inserts; flow visualisation; development of on-line measuring techniques for the measurement of residence time distributions and concentration of different coloured bulk solids; analysis, modeling, and design of gravity mixers; experimental investigations on the impact force of air blast devices and the influence of air pulses on compressed bulk solids.

Know-how and experience:
Flow property measurement;
Design of flow handling devices;
Measurement of flow velocities inside bulk solids

Fields of Consulting work:
Powder testing;
Gravity mixing;
Silo storage;

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