Sales Rep in Russia

Oleg Zyryanov
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Mar. 2009 - 04:54

Oleg Zyryanov

I’m seeking job in the multinational company as the sales representative in Russia.

Shortly about myself:

At present I’m responsible for representing a Trade Company in the region, sales of machine-tools, and accessories for machine-building and metallurgical enterprises. I have over 3 years experience in the sales and marketing field, and 5 years experiences in manufacturing and management. Degreed in technical and business universities.

My responsibilities include contacting with Customers, marketing research, sales.

I know market in Russia (the Ural region. Ural is an industrial Russian center), needs of potential clients, expect what kind of product (from your product line) and how you can launch to the market, what cost will be suitable, and what your future profit in this business in Russia. You can have information about political situation in region, customs regulation rules, opportunities for business.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, and discuss further cooperation.

Resume on request.

Yours faithfully,

Oleg Zyryanov

skype: zyryanovoleg2007

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