New Journal: IJMME

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Posted in: , on 5. Jan. 2008 - 12:06

International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (IJMME)

ISSN (Online): 1754-8918 - ISSN (Print): 1754-890X

Published in 4 issues per year

Call for Papers

Special Issue on: "Innovations in Mining and Mineral Processing"

IJMME is an interdisciplinary and refereed journal, a think tank that fosters innovative solutions to design efficient mining systems and mineral processing plants. It promotes feasible system design, development, and management, bringing together sustainable technologies, the people, and sound processes. It provides cross learning between various scientific and technological, as well as business and economics, disciplines comprising exploration, drilling, blasting, extraction, and processing, taking into account environment, health and safety, and public concerns.


The objective IJMME is to provide an international forum for academics, industry leaders, and policy makers to investigate and exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge and information covering the broad range of industrial activities and fields including, but not limited to, mining science and engineering, mineral processing, earth sciences, economics, engineering, information technologies, management, medicine, and arts. In addition, it aims to establish an effective channel of communication between policy makers, government agencies, academic and research institutions and persons concerned with the complex set and behaviour of mining and mineral processing systems and operations. It also aims to promote and coordinate developments in the fields of mining and mineral processing. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological and ecological advances in the mineral industry and the global society and economy. The ultimate objective is to ensure healthy mining and mineral processing, and society progress and evolution.


IJMME provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers and policy makers, working in the fields of mining and mineral processing dealing with exploration, mining, mineral processing, technology management, production engineering, mineral economics, and health and safety, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.


IJMME publishes original papers, review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, notes, commentaries, and news. Special Issues devoted to important topics in Mining and Mineral Processing will occasionally be published.

Subject Coverage

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:



Drilling and blasting engineering


Mineral processing

Process control

Resources optimisation

Artificial intelligence and knowledge based systems

Mine Information technologies

Mine mechanisation, automation, and robotics

Fault detection, fault analysis and diagnostics

Digital communications and mobile computing

Interaction between minerals, systems, people and other elements of mining and mineral processing

Health and safety

Mineral economics

Risk assessment and management

Specific Notes for Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All papers are refereed through a double blind process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Submission of Papers web-page.

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail (details of file formats in Author Guidelines) to Dr. Chefi Ketata, below, with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office


Editors and Members of the Editorial Board


Dr. Chefi Ketata

Dalhousie University

Department of Civil Engineering

D510 - 1360 Barrington Street

Halifax, NS B3J 2X4


Editorial Board Members

Dr. Ernest Baafi

University of Wollongong

Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Wollongong NSW 2522


Dr. Marilena Cardu

Politecnico di Torino

Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, dell’Ambiente e delle

Geotecnologie - DITAG

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

Torino 10129


Dr. Samuel Frimpong

University of Missouri-Rolla

Department of Mining and Nuclear Engineering

226 McNutt Hall

1870 Miner Circle

Rolla, MO 65409-0450


Dr. Celal Karpuz

Middle East Technical University

Department of Mining Engineering



Dr. Vladislav Kecojevic

Pennsylvania State University

Department of Mining Engineering

154 Hosler Building

University Park, PA 16802-5000


Dr. Dragan KomljenovicD


Gentilly-2 Nuclear Generating Station

Bcancour, Qubec G9H 3X3


Dr. Uday Kumar

Luleå University of Technology

Division of Operation and maintenance Engineering

Unit of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering

SE-971 87 Luleå


Dr. Mario Cedron Lassus

Catholic University of Peru

Department of Mining Engineering



Dr. Hani Mitri

McGill University

Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering

3450 University Street

Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7


Dr. Manoj K. Mohanty

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Department of Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering

Carbondale, IL 62901-6603


Dr. Antonio Nieto

Virginia Tech

Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering

100 Holden Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24060



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