Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology

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Posted in: , on 10. Feb. 2002 - 13:19

3rd. International conference Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology III

International Mine Water Association Symposium

UMREG meeting (Uranium Mining Remediation Exchange Group)

These three events will take place from 15th to 21st September 2002 at Freiberg, Germany

By now 122 papers and 23 posters were submitted for the 3rd International Conference Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology and the International Mine Water Association Symposium covering a wide field of topics. There is some evidence that the discussion about minor concentrations of uranium in ground water and potable water (MCL of 2 µg/l, WHO 1998) becomes more important. About 180 engineers and scientists from 38 countries registered so far.

Today we would like to draw your attention again to our homepage <http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/umh>http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/umh and encourage you to register online as far as you haven´t done this already and to have a look again at our specials (accompanying persons program, field trips, short courses, social events, workshops) and register for things you are interested in. Especially participation in short courses will be decided upon a "first come first served" basis. If you want to get the early bird discount of paying 200 Euro conference fee instead of 250 Euro (valid until 30.06.02) you can register immediately at our online site or simply send an email with your registration details to umh@geo.tu-freiberg.de. Online registration provides you a personal account. As soon as you have created your personal account you will receive an email with an internet address where you are prompted for a password, with which you can always enter your personal account, change your data, check your fee, check in for special events, etc.

For those of you, who have submitted an abstract for a paper or poster, we will inform you within the next few weeks about acceptance of your paper / poster and provide you the format requirements for submitting full papers. Please DO NOT submit full papers prior to acceptance. The conference proceedings will be published at SPRINGER publishers, so both format requirements and deadline for full paper submission (15.05.2002) have to be kept strictly.

Looking forward to seeing you in September or hearing from you before.

Britta Planer-Friedrich

(conference coordinator)

Mrs. Dipl. Geol. B. Planer-Friedrich

c/o TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Institute for Geology


09599 Freiberg / Germany

Tel: 0049 - 3731 - 392436

Fax: 0049 - 3731 - 392720

email: b.planer-friedrich@geo.tu-freiberg.de

homepage: <http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/~planer>http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/~planer

conference coordinator

Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology III 2002 in Freiberg


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