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43.0207064, -87.996055

AEM - Association of Equipment Manufacturers
Advancing Equipment Manufacturers in the global Marketplace
6737 W. Washington Street
Suite 2400
Milwaukee (WI) 53214
United States
+1 414 272 094 3
+1 414 272 117 0
About AEM - Association of Equipment Manufacturers
AEM is the leading organization in North America advancing construction and agriculture equipment manufacturers and their value chain partners in the global marketplace. In enabling growth together, AEM and its members build momentum for the equipment manufacturing industry and the markets it serves.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers’ (AEM) robust history began 125+ years ago from a unique vantage point – its industry segments came together to create a fundamentally more powerful voice and advocate for the off-road equipment manufacturing industry.

For more than a century, the AEM has provided a manufacturer forum for industry- wide action that transcends individual member company size, product line or individual business concerns. Companies participating in AEM work together for the betterment of the industry and public needs, at the state, national, provincial and international levels.

AEM built on the successes and continued the legacy of its founding groups – the Construction Industry Manufacturers Association (CIMA) and the Equipment Manufacturers Institute (EMI). Both groups had a common goal – advocating for better roads that brought products to market faster, safer and more efficiently.