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40.4443533, -79.960835

Dr. George E. Klinzing , Ph.D.
Professor, Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering
University Of Pittsburgh, 940 Benedum Hall
Pittsburgh (PA) 15261
United States
+1 412 624 460 4
+1 412 624 461 8
+1 412 400 985 6
About George E. Klinzing

George E. Klinzing is an Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He earned his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1959 and was awarded a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1963. He has spent his career researching materials processing, specifically pneumatic conveying. Administrative interests revolve around fostering an environment of collaboration, support, and encouragement for research faculty, staff, and students. He has given over 250 technical presentations at professional meetings, universities, and industries both nationally and internationally, and has advised 25 Ph.D. students and 54 M.S. students. Two (2) books on Pneumatic Conveying. He has recently been collaborating with the University of Newcastle in Australia on flow measurements in dense phase flows.

Vice Provost for Research, University of Pittsburgh (1995-2012)
Professor of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (1966-present)
Assistant Professor, Ecuador Project, University of Pittsburgh (1963-66)

Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Society for Engineering Education
International Freight Pipeline Society
Sigma Xi
Particle Technology Forum -- AIChE
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
McAfee Award from the local section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Gary Leach AlChE Award for Leadership and Service (2006)
AlChE Particle Technology Forum, Lifetime Achievement Award (2004)
Invited Speaker, Nisshin Engineering Conference (NEPTIS) on Electrostatics in Powder Processing, Kyoto, Japan (1994)
Western Electric Teaching Award (1980)
Whiteford Energy Professorship, (1990–2012)
Holder of three U.S. patents and seven U.S. copyrights
Honorary Doctor of Engineering from the University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
Honorary Professor of Central University of Ecuador

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