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50.9467391, 6.9833427

We energise your Business | Since 1924
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
+49 221 821 0
+49 221 821 257 4
About Koelnmesse
As a trade fair organiser, Koelnmesse GmbH is known for its innovative and internationally renowned trade fairs in Germany. What makes us different? The high-level expertise, dedicated commitment and total customer focus of everyone who works here. As a renowned and experienced trade fair organiser, Koelnmesse’s continued success and progress is based on our combined efforts.

Nature, events and community – these are the three main fields of action for Koelnmesse’s sustainability activities, which it will realise holistically. All measures and ideas have the aim of becoming a marketplace that makes maximum resource conservation possible during trade fair operations.

“It is a challenge. However, we are approaching this situation with vigour and have a clear goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2035”, says Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer. “To do this, we must reduce CO2 emissions, save resources and convert to renewable energies”, adds Böse, specifying the key objectives at hand. The United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDG) serve as a framework for these and numerous other activities at Koelnmesse and are the basis for Koelnmesse’s future sustainability strategy.