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45.4239603, 9.1997505

Giovanni Malnati , Eng.
Gen. Mng.
Via G. Treccani D. Alfieri 22
Milan (MI) 20141
+39 1 390 289 501 730
+39 1 390 289 502 255
Über Giovanni Malnati

Born in Milan 14/02/47
Electrical Eng. in Milan year 1966
Work history: Ramsey Italy employee from 1968 to 1977 then Agent for Nothern of Italy for Ramsey Italy and for big projects for Rulli Rulmeca, S.I.G. and CIGO. Up to now I have a rep contract for the following companies:
Rulli RULMECA/ Precismeca ( I and F )
ODT/SFBT ( Vackem patent )( I )
Cleveland Cascades ( UK )
ThermoMeasureTech ( USA )
Rowa AG ( CH )
NR Koeling ( NL )
WE Walter ( I )

Hobbies: reading books, soccer and bike,

Know-how and experience:
Our activities are in the bulk solid handling components and plant, such as roller,drum, metal detector, conveyor scale, Belt protection devices,back-up,machinery for tunnel and underground
works, moisture on line system by nuclear source, armored tunnel transformer station for feeding power to the tunnelling machines,etc., curve special conveyor in the tunnel boring stage for mucking out the material.

Fields of Consulting work:
My job is not only to sale what I represent, but also to suggest like a consultant the right ration in terms of investment and save money.


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