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22.2956486, -97.8819288

Jose Zunigga
Sales Manager
Andrea 126-C
Tampico (Tamps.) 89348
+52 0 833 132 390 3
+52 0 833 351 751 2
Über Jose Zunigga

Born: Xicotencatl Mexico, February 02, 1965
Education: Chemical Engineering from Tec. Madero City.
Work History:+7 years Quality Control in Manufacturing Companies; +10 years in Bulk Handling and conveying systems.
Member Ships: IMIQ Mexico
Hobbies: Music&Jogging.

Know-how and experience:
Like a representative of several manufactures I´m making and solve many projects of bulk handling and conveying systems, mainly process equipment for Mining, Cement and Plastics.
Amoung others MAC Process, USS, HAF Equipment, DCL, Siemens, etc.

Fields of Consulting work:
1.- Dust Control
2.- Pneumatic Conveying
3.- Feeding and Metering

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