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13.0344068, 80.2540648

Sergio P. Zamorano
94/3 Ttk Road
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) 600018
+91 44 474 849 71
+91 44 274 703 01
Über Sergio P. Zamorano

Born in Chile in 1963, Mechanical engineering degree from Universidad de Santiago de Chile, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Experience in design, erection and start-up of bulk solids handling equipment in Africa, Europe, North And South America.

Know-how and experience:
Proficent in design of long and high capacity conveyors, crushing and screening plants, Pipe Conveyors, Horizontally curved conveyors, belt feeders and Mobile Equipment

Fields of Consulting work:
Overland conveyors, Pipe Conveyors, Curved Conveyors, Belt feeders, Crushing and Screening

Coarse Ore Stockpiles, Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 26, Number 4, 4/2006, Trans Tech Publications

2011/4 – 2016/3
(4 Years / 11 Monate)
Managing Director, Technical Director
Takraf India, Tenova do Brasil
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