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18.934, 72.8341427

Mehernosh Shroff
Western India House P M Road , Fort
Mumbai (Maharashtra) 400001
+91 0 222 284 572 3
+91 0 222 282 827 7
Über Mehernosh Shroff

Mehernosh P H S H Shroff comes from the Prominent Shroff - mani Wadia family of Bombay and surat , he is the XII Mani Wadia and Master Builder of Mumbais first House boat
Education : fellow of institute of marine engineers , ME O class I Motor chief engineer, etc
work histroy : sailed for 15 years was Chief engineer on board Hany max vessels offshore supply vessels ,Instructor in Oil tanker and chemical /LPG tanker safety

activities :founder and owners of
Sea Worthy Group

Activites : Sea Worthy Group is ver active In marine maning , Port crew management , chartering of Tugs osv , accomdation barges , towage & salvage supply of equipment for marine construction , owners of accomdation vessels , crew boats , isps boats , patrol craft , tugs ,

Hobbies : love sailing on boats, reading histroy books , charity collecting funds for the Mentally retarded children , workaholic

Know-how and experience:
Family is /was in forefront of Economy as advisors to top industrialist ,
know how in ship building OIL Tank construction , ISO Tank containers , Builders of Hydrulic winches , and jacks ,

Fields of Consulting work:
ships marine manning , ship construction , towages , marine construction projects in india

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