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Über Amy Duncan

Amy Duncan has been the Marketing Manager at Dos Santos International since 2007 however, she has been exposed to the Dos Santos Sandwich belt high angle conveyor technology since the 1980s. Amy handles the marketing of Dos Santos International through trade show and conference presentations,
organization and design of trade show booths, oversight of promotional materials, maintaining web site content, contributing articles to relevant trade magazines and managing the company’s worldwide representatives.
Amy is a graduate of the University of Alabama where she obtained a bachelors degree in Public Relations. While at UA, Amy served as creative director for the UVote campaign an outreach to young, unregistered voters. She is a board member for the Jeremiah Castille Foundation, a Christian outreach to inner city youth. She is also co founder of the Roll4Mikey Foundation that brings awareness to DIPG. Amy has continued studies at Kennesaw State University taking refresher courses over the years. She is fluent in Portuguese and proficient in Spanish and has traveled extensively around the world engaging with different cultures and business practices.

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