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51.2539569, 0.9683725

9 Cherry Orchard, Old Wives Lees
Canterbury CT4 8BQ
Vereinigtes Königreich
+44 1227 732 493
+44 1227 732 504
Über David Mills

David Mills graduated in 1961 from Woolwich Polytechnic in London with a first class honours degree in Mechanical Engineering. He first worked in indus-try as a nuclear engineer with Atomic Power Constructions Ltd and then in academia as a thermodynamicist at Thames Polytechnic, specialising in heat and mass transfer. He has since gained some 30 years experience in Pneumatic Conveying, through consultancy, research and teaching. He undertook a PhD programme on Pneumatic Conveying in 1973 and has been working in this area ever since, first at the University of Greenwich in London, then as Professor of Bulk Solids Handling at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. Since 1997 he has been operating as an independent consultant. He has written about 200 articles for technical journals and conferences, and has presented short courses and undertaken consultancy on a worldwide basis. He is author of the ‘Pneumatic Conveying Design Guide’ (SI units) and the ‘Handbook of Pneumatic Conveying Engineering’ (US units), both published in 2004.

1. Handbook of Pneumatic Conveying Engineering’, 2004
2. Pneumatic Conveying Design Guide , 2004

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