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ACHEMA 2024: Shaping the Future of the Process Industries

Bearbeitet von mhd am 5. Jul. 2023

Lab Innovation: Where value creation begins

The laboratory is the birthplace of world-changing innovations and the traditional guardian of product quality. Success in the lab is determined more than ever by the technologies used there and the interfaces with engineering and production. In addition to lab design, planning, construction and management, advanced bioanalytics and pharmaceutical applications

will be examined in depth. At ACHEMA 2024, the Lab Innovation Stage will be coupled with an Action Area dedicated to the digitalised, miniaturised and automated laboratory of the future.

Digital Innovation: Advancing the digital transformation

Digitalisation and the resulting innovations such as advanced analytics or Industry 4.0 technologies continue to be a perennial topic. The complexity of the issues is increasing rather than decreasing: IT vs. OT, connectivity vs. security or smart vs. smart enough – the challenge for operators is to find exactly the right configuration for their business. With this in mind, the Digital Innovation Stage will cover numerous topics around key enablers of innovation today.

Hydrogen Innovation and Special Show Hydrogen

Hyperscaling hydrogen production and infrastructure is one of the key enablers for a clean energy transition and achieving climate goals. Only ACHEMA offers so many solutions for producing, handling, transporting and storing hydrogen. The Hydrogen Innovation Stage covers all aspects relevant to the process industry: rapid scaling of production and infrastructure, power-to-X, industrial applications and sector coupling and many more.

The special show hydrogen presents the previous milestones and future challenges of the hydrogen economy. Experience the latest technologies and innovations for global and regional hydrogen projects in one place and gain insights into pre-competitive collaboration to solve hydrogen challenges.

"ACHEMA is the showcase for process technology worldwide. It is precisely in the field of hydrogen that the central role of the ACHEMA community becomes evident, with its many technologically mature innovations paving the way to the hydrogen economy,” says Björn Mathes. "With its technological diversity, ACHEMA will once again be the central hub in the global innovation network in 2024 and thus the basis for setting the course for the future in the process industries and far beyond."

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