How can I choose a EPS recycling machine to deal with seafood boxes?

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Posted in: , on 20. Feb. 2021 - 07:31

In the selection of EPS recycling machine, you should consider the characteristics of the material and your requirements, the most common machine on the market is the hot melt densifier and cold press compactor.

Advantages of EPS densifier:

1.No smell;

2.It can handle aqueous foam, such as fishing box, fruit and vegetable box, etc.

3.Energy saving, because there is no heating, so the energy consumption is much smaller than the heat melting machine;

4.The material properties are well preserved, because the material is cold pressed, so the internal physical properties of the material will not be broken;

Advantages of hot melt machine:

1.The operation is simple, only need to change the temperature;

2.In general, the bulk density can reach 500-600kg / m3

When your material are seafood boxes, you should choose a EPS cold compactor in that the odors will become more intense when densified, decontaminates EPS.

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