High Temp Flue Gas Fluidized Bed Dryer

Posted in: , on 11. Aug. 2014 - 02:57


  • Coal Drying;
  • CMC ( Coal Moisture Control for Coking Coal);
  • Lignite Coal Drying/Upgrading;

Brief Introduction

Fluidized bed dryer was used as coking coal dryer since 1955, and it was then gradually becoming the preferred dryer for coal preparation plant. There were 6 units of rotary dryers, 64 units of vibrating fluidized bed dryers, 6 units of fluidized bed dryers in operation in coal preparation plants in US in 1958. There were 11 units of rotary dryers, 66 units of vibrating fluidized bed dryers, 40 units of flash dryers, 23 units of fluidized bed dryers in operation in coal preparation plants in US in 1961. There were over 170 units of fluidized bed dryers in operation in coal preparation plants in US in 1980's. Some fluidized bed dryers are still in operation todays after 40 years installation.

Major Advantages:

  • High temp flue gas. Its original design inlet temp was 400C, and now it is over 750C in some plants;
  • Lower capital investment and energy consumption due to high inlet temp;
  • Large capacity per unit. Maximum water evaporation can be > 300t/h;
  • Can dry coarse coal up to 50mm top size;
  • System pressure can be designed as slightly positive, so O2 level can be reduced to as low as 3% and dust explosion risk can be eliminated completely;
  • Fine coal and coarse coal can be separated;

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