Waste Bulk Toner

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 15. Jul. 2009 - 22:47

We are a toner plant that landfills our bulk toners that are not able to be recycled, out of spec, or from scrubber or vacuum systems. Anyone doing anything else, anything environmentally friendly, sell for energy generation?

Trying to think green , and help the bottom line

Re: Waste Bulk Toner

Erstellt am 25. Jul. 2009 - 05:40
Quote Originally Posted by hkmgb221View Post
We are a toner plant that landfills our bulk toners that are not able to be recycled, out of spec, or from scrubber or vacuum systems. Anyone doing anything else, anything environmentally friendly, sell for energy generation?

Trying to think green , and help the bottom line


I would contact the cement factories near the Hudson River-Lone Star Cement I think- they had to stop using waste oils for cement furnace fuels and I am sure they would be able to use it.