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38.9563903, -77.3971527

The Association for Packaging andProcessing Technologies
12930 Worldgate Dr
Ste 200
Herndon (VA) 20170
United States
+1 571 612 320 0
About PMMI
PMMI is a global resource for the packaging and processing industry, uniting the industry across the manufacturing supply chain. Our members promote business growth in a variety of industries by developing innovative manufacturing solutions to meet evolving consumer demands, today and in the future. PMMI  membership represents more than 1,000 manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, components and materials as well as providers of related equipment and services to the packaging and processing industry.

PMMI Business Drivers provide the industry a variety of resources such as market research, best-practice tools and reports, technical training, networking opportunities and more.

PMMI connects consumer goods companies with our members’ manufacturing solutions through the world-class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, including: PACK EXPO International, PACK EXPO Las Vegas, PACK EXPO East, PACK EXPO Southeast, EXPO PACK México, and EXPO PACK Guadalajara.

PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to the latest solutions, trends and innovations in packaging and processing year-round through a variety of print and digital media including: Packaging World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging, ProFood World, Mundo PMMI, OEM, CPG Next and the Emerging Brands Alliance.