Re: Vacuum Conveying Of Garnet Sand

Erstellt am 19. Aug. 2021 - 03:51

Dear Mr chavannilesh

From your drawing it is clear that you want to design a continuous suction/pressure system using one lobe blower for a highly abrasive material.

Calculating such a system is very complicated as the vacuum influences the discharge.

Increased vacuum reduces the discharge airflow.

Moreover, you want to apply a lobe blower in combination with a cyclone in front of the lobe blower inlet.

As the cyclone has no 100% efficiency, the blower will wear out very quickly.

Replacing the lobe blower for a centrifugal fan is also an option, but will wear also at lower cost and makes the calculation even more difficult.


(not verified)

Re: Vacuum Conveying Of Garnet Sand

Erstellt am 20. Aug. 2021 - 03:42

Dear sir,

Can we use filter bag in the cyclone so that any particles can not pass through blower?

what is your opinion sir for use of flexible pipe (abrasive material)?

Re: Vacuum Conveying Of Garnet Sand

Erstellt am 20. Aug. 2021 - 04:53

Dear Mr chavannilesh,

A filter unit will protect the blower better than a cyclone, that is for sure.

A flexible hose seems to be the only solution, considering the set-up of the operation.

Check with the hose supplier.

Can you also make design, whereby just a vacuum system is overhanging the bulk truck with the blower set, mounted on a common mobile frame?
