Reference Book for Stacker Reclaimer/Stock yard machine Design

Posted in: , on 14. May. 2016 - 08:34


I woluld like to know latest books for design of Stacker Reclaimer/Stock yard machine available for reference.

Presently I have following books with edition

1. Stacking Blending Reclaiming of Bulk Materials (Series on Bulk Material Handling Vol. 1 (1975/77) - By R.H. Wohlbier

2. The Bucket Wheel Excavator (Series on Bulk Materials Handling Vol. 1 1975) - By Dr. Ing. Dr. Ing. E.h. Ludwig Rasper

3. Bucket Wheel Excavator (Series on Mining Engineering) Vol.7, 1988) - By W. Durst, W.Vogt

If any other books which can be good reference for above application or what is latest edition available of above books.

Request to suggest.


Taxay Solanki

Second Coming

Erstellt am 16. May. 2016 - 12:22


Your reference #1 should be adequate for all queries.

#2 & #3 mainly concern excavators which are much larger machines and generally confined to the Iron Curtain where expense and ecology didn't matter.

As I recall, and you will have noticed, there was a proposed model classification based on bucket wheel diameter suggesting that manufacturers really imagined that they might sell in numbers. Their crowding glory didn't stand the test of time.

A troll through these forums will probably be your best solution for explaining more recent developments.

This question was asked in another thread. This is a complementary reply.

John Gateley