Re: Ratholing Prevention

Erstellt am 4. Jun. 2002 - 05:16

A flat vibrating bottom should be used very carefully as it can make some bulk solids more compact and result in flow problems.


Amrit Agarwal (Tim)

Pneumatic Conveying Consultants

Vibrating Floor

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2002 - 10:09

A vibrating floor is not flat, and is not a vibrating bottom. It is a completely different technology.

The vibrating floor works by granting the product volumic expansion.

We recently commissionned the first bulk flour ship ever constructed. The vibrating floor is very efficient at destabilizing rat holes which form at the outset of the aspiration.

Jean-Claude Poncet

Re: Ratholing Prevention

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2002 - 03:48

It will be good if you clarify your design of these " near- to-flat, vibrating bottom" bins so that we can all understand this "new technology" you are recommending.


Amrit Agarwal

Vibrating Floor

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2002 - 05:16

"near-to-flat" means usually 5 to 12°, depending on the product and throuput required.

In the ship previously mentionned, the floor is slanted at 18°, to achieve a reclaim capacity of 70 t/h of flour out of 1 aspiration tube. There are altogeither 10 tubes in the ship.

For an introduction to this new technology, may we suggest a visit of our site


Jean-Claude Poncet