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DSH Systems
DSH Systems contains dust while loading bulk, dry, granular goods.
3/41 Lansford Crescent
Auckland 0600
New Zealand
+64 9 828 801 2
About DSH Systems
The DSH Difference Our philosophy is to prevent the generation of dust at the source, before it enters the environment, rather than trying to remove or suppress it after it has escaped into the air. Our systems are an effective, low cost, low maintenance, long term solution to prevent fugitive dust. It is easy to install and can be used with various bulk loading systems and dry, free flowing materials.


The DSH Difference

Protect the Environment

DSH helps take care of the environment by reducing the amount of harmful dust that can escape into the air and beyond. With our systems, dust is prevented from escaping during loading or transferral, which improves both air quality and visibility on worksites as well as in surrounding areas.

Lower Maintenance

With no internal moving parts and only needing a simple set of springs in order to function, our systems also require no electricity, hydraulics, or pneumatics, meaning there is less ongoing maintenance needed, and any servicing that is due is a simple and quick task.

Less Health & Safety Issues

By reducing the amount of fugitive dust in the workplace, our systems create a healthier, safer environment for workers and ensures that health and safety protocols and regulations regarding the production of, and exposure to, dust is below specified levels.

Reduced Waste & Cleaning

Our systems keep dust particles trapped within the material itself which prevents fugitive dust from escaping when transferring products. This means less product is lost during loading, and reduces waste, contamination, and housekeeping associated with dust.

Preserve your Product

Our systems help keep product safe by protecting the integrity of blends and mixes in products such as fertiliser, as well as preventing damage to delicate items such as wood pellets, all whilst ensuring that that all of your product gets loaded, to maximise capacity and profit.

How It Works

The DSH hopper is installed under a loose bulk material infeed point, where it is suspended in a fixed location above a receiving vessel or loading area. As the hopper fills the product level rises, and the springs extend progressively opening the flow control gap and balancing the product flowing in and out of the hopper.

Our unique design expels air and forms an annular flow that is then compressed radially into a solid column as it exits the hopper. The solid discharge column falls through the air virtually dust free for many metres, before driving into the pile formed on the floor or in a receiving vessel, resulting in minimal dust release and product loss

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